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The easternmost longitude of India is:-
A. 97 25’E
B. 68 7’E
C. 77 6’E
D. 82 32’E

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: This is located in Arunachal Pradesh province.The longitudinal scale of India is 30’. The easternmost point of India is 2 hours ahead of the western point.

Complete answer:
Longitude is the angular distance of a point measured on the surface of the earth to the east/west of the central reference point.
The eastern longitude is 97o25'E and the western longitude is 68 degrees 7'E. Thus, India's easternmost point will be 2 hours ahead of the western point. India ranges from 8 degrees 4 minutes on the north to 37 degrees 6 minutes north latitude and 68 degrees 7 minutes east side to 97 degrees 25 minutes east longitude. Thus, its latitudinal and longitudinal extent is roughly thirty degrees.

The options given are as follows:-
The easternmost longitude of India is 97° 25′ E. It's based in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Thus, Option A is correct.
The westernmost longitude is 68o7'E. The westernmost longitude of India is situated in Gujarat i.e. the Kutch area . Thus, Option B is incorrect.
 97° 25′ E is the easternmost longitude of India and not 77 6’E. Thus, Option C is incorrect.
The easternmost longitude of the nation is said to be 97° 25′ E and not 82 32’E. The standard time meridian of India is 82 30' East longitude as it travels through the centre of India i.e. Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh. Thus, Option D is incorrect.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

Note:The southernmost point of the Indian Territories (in the Great Nicobar Islands) is the Indira Point (6o45' North), while the Kanya-Kumari is the southernmost point of the Indian mainland.
The Tropic of Cancer crosses India at 23o30 North which leads to the splitting of the country into almost two equal parts.
The nation is vast and measures approximately 3,214 kilometres from the north to the south and approximately 2,933 kilometres from the west to the east.
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