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The correct name of the compound is:
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a.) 3-heptyl-5-methylhept-3-ene
b.) 5, 6-Diethyl-3-methyldec-4-ene
c.) 5-butyl-3-methyloct-4-ene
d.) 8-methyl-3-propylhex-3-ene

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: To give the correct name of the compound we should know about IUPAC nomenclature. We should be well aware of the IUPAC nomenclature for naming chain compounds.

Complete step by step solution:
To give the correct name of the organic compound present in the question, we should know about some important rules and regulations of IUPAC system
Our first main step is to find the longest chain. Or we can say that, we have to find that chain which has the maximum number of carbon. This chain is called the parent chain.
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So, from the above structure we can say that we have a chain of 10 carbon groups. This is the parent chain.
As we can observe from the above structure that at third position on the chain one methyl group is attached. At fourth position, there is one double bond. We should always take the number which is lesser than others. At 5 and 6 position there is ethyl group attached.

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We should be careful in assigning numbers to the substituents. We should assign the numbers in such a way that gives the substituents the lowest numbers. When we compare a series of numbers, we should select the series that has the substituents attached at lowest position.
For occurring of the same substituents more than one time, we use di, tri etc.
Now, by keeping above rules in mind we will now name the structure present in the compound.
The name of the structure is: 5, 6-Diethyl-3-methyldec-4-ene.
Hence option B is correct.

Note: We should note that the nomenclature of substituted benzene ring compounds is less systematic than that of the alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. The two substituent groups that commonly encounter are phenyl, abbreviated Ph-, and benzyl, abbreviated Bn-. We use the prefixes ortho, meta & para to indicate a 1,2- or 1,3- or 1,4- relationship respectively.

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