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The chlorophyll in chloroplast is located in
A) Grana
B) Pyrenoid
C) Stroma
D) Both grana and stroma

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: A double membrane surrounds the chloroplasts, which is often cited as an example that they are the ancestors of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.

Complete Answer:
Chloroplasts are photosynthesizing organelles, at which photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll captures, transforms and stores the energy from sunlight in the energy storage molecules NADPH and ATP while liberating oxygen from water in algal and plant cells. In a process referred to as the Calvin cycle, they use the ATP and NADPH to produce organic compounds from carbon dioxide.

Now, let us find the solution from the options-
- In the thylakoid membranes of the organelle, the chloroplast is a plastid containing chlorophyll (green pigment).
- Thylakoid can be described within the chloroplasts of a plant cell as a membrane-bound compartment.
-It is the area of photosynthesis light-dependent reactions.
- Thylakoid comprises a membrane of thylakoid containing thylakoid lumen.
-A load of thylakoid or lamella discs is known as grana.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A) Grana.

Note: At least 3 membrane systems are available for all chloroplasts: the outer chloroplast membrane, the thylakoid system, and the inner chloroplast membrane. There may be extra membranes encircling these three chloroplasts which are the product of secondary endosymbiosis.