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Synthetic fibers are obtained by:
A. Chemical processing of petrochemicals
B. Chemical processing of natural fibers
C. Manual processing of natural fibers
D. Both A and B

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint:Fiber word is derived from the Latin word ‘fibra’, it is divided based on its origin i.e., natural or man-made (or synthetic), most materials have fiber as their fundamental unit. Examples of some natural and synthetic 3 Nylon, Ryon, cotton, silk.

Complete answer:Fibers are found naturally from various sources, from plants to insects, and are called natural fibers because of their source of origin. But when the fibers are man-made they are termed synthetic fibers or artificial fibers.
Synthetic fibers were first made in the 19th century due to the need for stronger, more flexible fibers that can undergo extreme pressure without breakage. Since natural fiber cannot withstand such pressure.
Synthetic fibers are mainly made from petroleum or petrochemical that are found during oil drilling. They are chemically treated and are turned into fibers by the process called polymerization.

Additional information:Polymerization is a chemical process where the single units of polymers (monomers) are combined to form larger structures, there are two types of polymerization: linear and
cross-linked polymerization.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A) i.e.Chemical processing of petrochemicals.

Note:: It should be noted that even though petroleum derivatives and petrochemicals are obtained from nature, they are treated chemically (synthetically) by humans to make the fibers, any confusion in this statement should be avoided.
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