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Swinging the table fan is an example of which type of motion?
(A) Oscillatory motion
(B) One dimensional motion
(C) Projectile motion
(D) None of the above

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 313.5k
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Hint:In order to answer this question, to know the type of motion for swinging of a table fan, first we will mention the motion name and then we will explain the concept of the motion and we will explain the mechanism also.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Swinging of the table fan is an example of Oscillatory motion.
The to and fro motion of an object from its mean location is known as oscillatory motion. The ideal situation is for the object to remain in oscillatory motion in the absence of friction indefinitely, but this is not achievable in the real world, thus the item must settle into equilibrium.
The term vibration, which is seen in a swinging pendulum, is used to describe mechanical oscillation. Similarly, the human heart's beating is an example of oscillation in dynamic systems.
The repeating motion in which an object repeats the same movement over and over is known as oscillatory motion. The oscillatory motion would continue indefinitely if friction did not exist; nevertheless, in the real world, the system eventually comes into equilibrium. From the uranium nucleus oscillation before it fissions to the carbon dioxide molecules oscillating in the universe, absorbing and contributing to global warming, oscillatory motion may be observed throughout the physical world. Buildings and bridges are subject to oscillatory motion, which can have fatal consequences. Even stars fluctuate. Oscillatory motion is present in all waves, from sound to ocean waves to seismic waves in the solid earth.
Hence, the correct option is (A) Oscillatory motion.

Note:The ideal situation is for the object to remain in oscillatory motion in the absence of friction indefinitely, but this is not achievable in the real world, thus the item must settle into equilibrium. The term vibration, which is seen in a swinging pendulum, is used to describe mechanical oscillation.
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