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Suppose 2 kg of sugar contains crystals. How many crystals are there in
(i) 5 kg of sugar?
(ii) 1.2 kg of sugar?

Last updated date: 26th Jul 2024
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Hint: (i)Here first we will assume the number of crystals in 5kg of sugar to be y and then use the direct proportion to find the value of y and get the desired value of a number of crystals.
(ii) Here first we will assume the number of crystals in 1.2kg of sugar to be $t$ and then use the method of direct proportion with respect to the given quantity to find the value of $t$ and get the desired value of the number of crystals.
A direct proportion is defined as a proportion of two variable quantities when the ratio of the two quantities is constant.

Complete step by step solution:
(i) It is given that :-
\[{\text{2kg of sugar}} = 9 \times {10^6}{\text{ crystals}}\]
Let 5kg of sugar contains y crystals.
Quantity of sugar (in kg)25
Number of crystals\[9 \times {10^6}\]y

Now as we know that as the quantity of sugar increases then the number of crystals also increases.
Quantity of sugar and number of crystals are in direct proportion
\[\dfrac{2}{{9 \times {{10}^6}}} = \dfrac{5}{y}\]
Now we will solve for the value of y to get the number of crystals in 5kg of sugar.
Now we will solve for the value of y to get the number of crystals in 5kg of sugar.
\[ 2y = 5 \times 9 \times {10^6} \]
On simplification,
 $\Rightarrow 2y = 45 \times {10^6}$
Now dividing the equation by 2 to get the value of y:
\[ \Rightarrow y = \dfrac{{45 \times {{10}^6}}}{2}\]
On simplfication of the above values,
$\Rightarrow y = 22.5 \times {10^6} $
Now on shifting the decimal point to the left we get:-
$ y = 2.25 \times 10 \times {10^6} $
\[\Rightarrow y = 2.25 \times {10^7} \]

$\therefore$ There are \[2.25 \times {10^7}\] crystals in 5kg of sugar.

Another approach for solving this question using the unitary method.
Here first we will find the number of crystals in 1 kg of sugar and then simplify multiply it by 5 and 1.2 to get the number of crystals in 5kg and 1.2kg of sugar respectively.
(i) Now since it is given that:-
\[{\text{2kg of sugar}} = 9 \times {10^6}{\text{ crystals}}\]
Then, 1 kg of sugar will contain:-
\[{\text{1kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{9 \times {{10}^6}}}{2}{\text{ crystals}}\]
Now since we have to find the number of crystals in 5kg
Therefore we will multiply 5 in number of crystals of 1kg sugar
Hence on multiplying we get:-
{\text{5kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{9 \times {{10}^6}}}{2} \times {\text{5}} \\
{\text{ 5kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{45 \times {{10}^6}}}{2} \\
{\text{5kg of sugar}} = 22.5 \times {10^6} \\
{\text{5kg of sugar}} = 2.25 \times {10^7}{\text{crystals}} \\
(ii) Similarly,
it is give that :-
\[{\text{2kg of sugar}} = 9 \times {10^6}{\text{ crystals}}\]
Then, 1 kg of sugar will contain:-
\[{\text{1kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{9 \times {{10}^6}}}{2}{\text{ crystals}}\]
Now since we have to find the number of crystals in 1.2kg
Therefore we will multiply 1.2 in number of crystals of 1kg sugar
Hence on multiplying we get:-
{\text{1}}{\text{.2kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{9 \times {{10}^6}}}{2} \times 1.2 \\
{\text{1}}{\text{.2kg of sugar}} = \dfrac{{10.8 \times {{10}^6}}}{2} \\
{\text{1}}{\text{.2kg of sugar}} = 5.4 \times {10^6}{\text{crystals}} \\