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Solve the following equations:
(i) 4 = 5 (p – 2)
(ii) 4 + 5 (p – 1) = 34

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: To solve this question, in each part, we have to take all the terms containing p on one side of the equality and the rest of the terms on the other side of the equality. Then, we will try to make the coefficient of p equal to 1 by dividing both the sides of the equality by the coefficient of p and from this, we can find the value of p.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Before proceeding with the question, we must know the multiplication rule that will be used to solve this question.
If we are given an expression which is in the form of l (m + n) then this expression can be also written as,
l (m + n) = lm + ln . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
(i) In this part, we are required to solve the equation,
4 = 5 (p – 2)
Using rule (1), this expression can be simplified to,
4 = 5p – $5\times 2$
$\Rightarrow $ 4 = 5p – 10
$\Rightarrow $ 5p = 4 + 10
$\Rightarrow $ 5p = 14
$\Rightarrow $ p = $\dfrac{14}{5}$
$\Rightarrow $ p = 2.8
(ii) In this part, we are required to solve the equation,
  4 + 5 (p – 1) = 34
Using rule (1), this expression can be simplified to,
4 + 5p – 5 = 34
$\Rightarrow $ 5p = 34 + 5 – 4
$\Rightarrow $ 5p = 39 – 4
$\Rightarrow $ 5p = 35
$\Rightarrow $ p = $\dfrac{35}{5}$
$\Rightarrow $ p = 7
Hence, the answer of part (i) is 2.8 and the answer of part (ii) is 7.

Note: This is an easy question which can be solved using the basic knowledge of arithmetic operators. The only possible mistake in such types of questions is calculation mistake. So, one must solve such types of questions very carefully.