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What is permineralization and how is it important for the preservation of fossils ?

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Hint:Climate is one of the most vital things which affects our life directly yet it did not receive our attention even indirectly. Fossils used as fuels affect our climate. Fossils refers to the remains or traces of organisms which had died long long back and were buried deep inside the earth. They are also rocks. Due to the action of microbes they get converted into coal and petroleum products which are used as a source of fuel.

Complete answer:
The process of conversion of dead organisms and rocks into fossils is called fossilization. It is a very rare and lengthy process. The most common method of fossilization is permineralization. After a bone, wood fragment, or shell is buried in sediment, it may be exposed to mineral-rich water that moves through the sediment.

This water will deposit minerals into empty spaces, producing a fossil. Fossil dinosaur bones, petrified wood, and many marine fossils were formed by permineralization. Some examples of the minerals that are obtained as a result of permineralization are calcite, iron and silica.

Note:The most important contributing factor to the greenhouse effect is the burning of fossil fuels. In India approximately 54% of the demand for electricity is met by Coal based power generation centers. Coal combustion produces carbon dioxide and the carbon dioxide is one of the deadliest greenhouse gases. One way to tackle this man-made menace is to promote the use of renewable sources of energy such as harnessing the solar energy.