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What was the period of rule of Humayun for the first time?
A. 1530 -1540
B. 1535 -1545
C. 1530 -1545
D. 1530 -1555

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: Humayun was one of the founders of the Mughal empire in India. Son of the great king Babur, he was able to find an alliance with the mighty Persians and was able to build a kingdom filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for people to prosper. Humayun was able to expand his kingdom at a fast phase through multiple battles, even killing his brothers.

Complete step by step answer:
Nasiruddin Humayun was the second Mughal Emperor who ruled modern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of northern India from 1530–1540 and again from 1555–1556. He was the son of Babur who laid the foundation for the Mughal rule in India. He succeeded his father in India in 1530 and obtained the sovereignty of Kabul and Lahore, the more northern parts of their father's empire including parts of India. Later Humayun lost his Indian territories to the Afghan Sultan, Sher Shah Suri but regained them with Persian aid after ten years. While returning from Persia Humayun's return from Persia, accompanied by a huge number of Persian noblemen, brought changes in Mughal Court culture, which created endless opportunities for Mughals as the Central Asian origins of the dynasty struggled by the influences of Persian art, architecture, language, and literature. Within a short time period, Humayun expanded his Empire. Humayun then moved to take over Kabul, ruled by his brother Kamran. After defeating both his brothers and taking over their kingdoms, Humayun had no rivals and had control of the throne during military campaigns. As an established leader, he embarked on a series of military campaigns for extending his reign over areas to the East and West. Humayun applied Persian methods of governance to North India during his reign. The system of revenue collection improved on both the Persian model and that of the Delhi Sultanate one. The Persian arts too became influential. The death of Sher Shah Suri and his son Islam Shah created a perfect opportunity for the Mughals to march back to India and established an empire for generations to come.
On February 22, 1556, Humayun, tumbled down several steps while ascending the stairs in his library and hit his temple on a rugged stone edge. He died three days later; the thirteen-year-old Akbar succeeded him.

So, the correct answer is Option :

Note: Humayun's tomb consists of a complex arrangement of buildings with Mughal architecture located in Nizamuddin east, New Delhi. The tomb complex rose on the former site of Nasiruddin's KiloKheri Fort. The Humayun Tomb Complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has the main tomb of Emperor Humayun as well as numerous other structures, providing the first example of Mughal architecture in India. The mausoleum style was later adapted in the Taj Mahal in Agra.