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Opposite word to lead
A) Start
B) Direct
C) Follow
D) End

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 303.9k
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Hint: To lead means to be the person who shows the way or makes someone go in the right direction, the one who makes decisions. For example, the monitor of the class, principal of the school or college, where students accepts the decisions made by monitors and principal(leaders)

Complete answer:
 Antonyms are words which have just the opposite meaning of the word considered. In simple language we call them opposites.
Example- Up -down
slow- fast
Bright - dull
dawn- dusk

On the other hand, synonyms are the ones having similar meaning.
Example- Big: huge, giant, massive

In language, both antonyms and synonyms are equally important. There are more words that are synonyms than there are antonyms because many things do not have antonyms(for eg- sandwiches). Opposite words are a comparatively more recent addition to language than synonyms are. Synonyms are often used, the more common of the two.

They both are useful to increase our knowledge and vocabulary and also improve our reading and writing skills. By learning these, we learn the logical opposite and similar words of important words, thus improving our overall knowledge of the language.

Opposite of lead is to follow. To start means freshly initiating.

Therefore the correct answer is option ‘C’.

Note: To follow means to accept and implement the idea of another person i.e. the leader. The leader makes the decisions and the followers follow them correctly. The ideology behind any task is of the one that leads.