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Muscles get fatigued due to accumulation of
(a)Adenosine triphosphate
(b)Carbon dioxide
(c)Lactic acid
(d)Phosphate molecules

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 397.5k
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Hint: It is a chemical by-product of anaerobic respiration in which cells produce energy without oxygen around.The accumulation of this compound in the muscle tissue reduces the pH and makes it more acidic because of which a stinging feeling in muscles is produced while exercising.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Lactic acid also known as lactate is responsible for muscle fatigue and the tissue damage induced by lactic acid after an intense workout. Since during a sudden workout the body needs a lot of energy, muscle metabolism shifts from aerobic to anaerobic ATP (adenosine triphosphate- it can release energy very quickly and is the energy-carrying molecule in the cells) production during an intensive workout and lactic acid starts to accumulate in muscles leading to muscle fatigue. As lactic acid accumulates a person starts to lack oxygen which is restored by resulting in muscle fatigue.
The decrease in your muscle's ability to perform normal activities is a symptom caused by muscle fatigue. It is usually caused because of the state of exhaustion (strenuous activity or exercise) and sometimes a result of other health conditions. Also recent studies say that inorganic phosphate increases during fatigue due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate which appears to be a major cause of muscle fatigue.
So, the correct answer is ‘Lactic acid’.

-Some ways to reduce muscle fatigue are: do a few warm-ups before starting a workout, keep yourself hydrated, maintain a healthy diet, and have nutritious food (like orange juice).
-Vitamin C is also important as it protects muscle. For relaxing, have an Epsom salt bath, which is a magnesium sulfate compound.