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Mohammed Ghori was defeated by _________, the ruler of Solanki Dynasty, near Mount Abu.
1. Raja Bhimdev II
2. Mularaja
3. Karnadev I
4. Jayasimha

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 387.6k
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Hint: Mohammed Ghori was defeated by the Solanki Ruler in the Battle of Kayadara in 1178. The battle took place at the village of Kayadara near Mount Abu.

Complete answer:
Mohammed Ghori's campaign against the Qarmatian rulers bore results and he annexed Multan in 1175 CE. He then turned south and faced the Battle of Kayadara in 1178 CE near Mount Abu.

Raja Bhimdev II ascended the throne in 1178 CE and fought the Battle of Kayadara at Mount Abu along with his mother Naikidevi who was an important regent. Together they defeated Mohammed Ghori, who's forces had already suffered greatly due to the march across the desert from Multan.
Mularaja is the first king of the Chalukya Dynasty, otherwise known as the Solanki dynasty. By supplanting King Chapotkata, the last Chavada ruler he became the ruler of present day Gujarat in 941 CE.

Karnadev I succeeded his father Bhima I in 1064 CE and conquered the Lata region. He laid the foundations of Karnavati city, which is known as Ahmedabad in present day Gujarat. Jayasimha is the son of king Karandev I ascended the throne in 1092 CE who's kingdom extended upto parts of Rajasthan and Malwa, bringing parts of Madhya Pradesh under his rule.

Therefore the answer is Option 1.

A brief timeline of the Solanki dynasty allowed us to find the correct answer. King Bhimadev II defeated Mohammed Ghori as Ghori attacked during his reign. The battle forced Ghori to retreat and he never attacked Gujarat again.