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How would you make “fish” plural possessive?

Last updated date: 02nd May 2024
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Hint: The possessive of a plural noun is formed when we add only an apostrophe when the noun ends in letter ‘s’, and by adding both an apostrophe and the letter ‘s’ when it ends in a letter other than ‘s’.
Example:- The lawyers’ exam is difficult.
Example:- The children’s games are fun.

Complete answer:
Let us discuss what will be the plural possessive of “fish”.

The plural of the word ‘fish’ is usually ‘fish’ only. But, while referring to more than one species of fish, especially when we do that in a scientific context, we can use fishes as the plural.
Fish is a noun which has two plurals depending on the context. Example: "I caught six fish". "The fishes in the river include trout and salmon". Whether the plural is fish or fishes , is concluded by the sense of the context.
When the plural form of "fish" is "fish," the possessive plural is "fish's" as the word has an ending other than the letter ‘s’.
If the plural form is "fishes”, the possessive plural is "fishes'” as the ending letter is ‘s’.
Examples of the sentences using possessive plurals are:-"These are my fish's children" and "My fishes' names are Betty and Eel."

Note: A plural noun is a form of noun which is used to indicate more than one entity. It is used when we refer to a quantity which is more than one of anything. Usually plural nouns are written the same as the word by simply adding -s, -es, -ies to the end. But there are some exceptions where this thumb rule is not applicable. Example: Pen- Pens.
Example: House- Houses.
Example: Hair- Hair.
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