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Lunar eclipse is a__________ phenomenon.
(A) Common
(B) Less common
(C) Impossible
(D) Regular

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 397.8k
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In a lunar eclipse Earth gets in the way of the Sun's light falling on the moon. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon comes into Earth’s shadow. This happens when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned very close to each other, Earth being in the middle.

Complete step-by-step answer:
A lunar eclipse is a less common phenomenon.
This happens only during a full moon. A lunar eclipse lasts for a longer time from a few minutes to a few hours. Therefore, it is a less common phenomenon.
Unlike a solar eclipse, which can be seen from a certain area of the world, a lunar eclipse can be seen from anywhere on the earth. It lasts for a few hours. Every year there are at least two lunar eclipses and the maximum number can be five. But these are very uncommon.
Thus the correct answer for the question is “less common”
Hence option (B) is the correct option.

Additional information:
Eclipse is an astronomical event when one astronomical body passes through the shadow of others or when another body passes from in between it and the viewer.
An eclipse involving the Sun, Earth, and Moon can occur only when they are nearly in a straight line so that one is to be hidden behind another, viewed from the third.
There are commonly two types of eclipse (1) solar eclipse (2) lunar eclipse.
Solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the Sun. a solar eclipse only lasts for a short period, i.e., a few seconds to a few minutes.
During a solar eclipse, the Moon can sometimes perfectly cover the Sun this is because its apparent size is nearly the same as the Sun's when viewed from the Earth.

We don’t have a lunar eclipse every month as the moon orbits Earth because it does not always get in the Earth’s shadow.
In most years there are two lunar eclipses, in some years one or two and solar eclipses occur two to five times in a year. Five times is most rare.
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