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Lord William Bentinck also abolished_____________.
A.Female Infanticide
B.Male Infanticide
C.Child Marriage
D.None of these

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 388.5k
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Hint: Lord William Bentinck served as Governor-General of India from 1828 to 1836. He did significant social and educational reforms in India for women.

Complete step by step answer: During the 19th century many social and religious reforms came into being when Indian leaders with the help of British took a stand for the position of women. They raised voice against the Sati, Child Marriage and Female infanticide. Among them, Governor-General Lord William Bentinck has been credited for significant social and educational reforms in India including Female Infanticide and Human Sacrifice. Initially, his reforms met little resistance among native Indians but others spread rumours about him that he wanted to demolish Taj Mahal so that people do not follow him blindly.

Looking at the options given:

Option A. Lord William Bentinck helped Raja Ram Mohun Roy to abolish Female infanticide. This is the correct answer.

Option B. Male infanticide was very less than female infanticide. There was no active resistance against it. It is an incorrect option.

Option C. In the Imperial legislative Council, on 28 September 1929, the Child marriage restraint act was passed fixing the age of marriage for girls 14 years and make 18 years which was later amended to 18 for girls and 21 for Boys. It is an incorrect option.

Option D is also incorrect.

Note: Lord William Bentinck also banned Sati and passed the Bengal Sati Regulation Act 1829 with little resistance. He also ended lawlessness by eliminating thuggees.