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Who led the Mughal army in the Battle of Haldighati against Maharana Pratap?
A. Man Singh
B. Uday Singh
C. Chandrasen Rathore
D. Vijay Singh

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 384.3k
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> The battle of Haldighati was between Maharana Pratap who was the ruler of Mewar and Emperor Akbar of Mughal.
> This war was waged in 1576.
> Akbar included him among the Navaratnas or the nine gems of the Akbar royal court.

Complete answer:
The battle of Haldighati was fought between the cavalry and the archers in 1576. In the prelude to the battle of Haldighati, Akbar had a strategy of conquering the Rajputana region. In the battle, the Mewari forces had 400 archers and 3000 horsemen from the Bhil tribes of the Mirpur kingdom. Rajputs had no firearms; Mughals had a musket. Hakim Khan Sur and the Afghans, Bhim Singh of Dodia and Ramdas Rathor were in possession of 800 strong vehicles.
After the war, Akbar led a campaign against Rana Pratap, and he soon captured Goganda, Udaipur, and Kumbhalgarh. Maharana Pratap had successfully fled from the battlefield. After 1579, the Mughals changed their attention, helping Rana to regain much of his territory in the western parts of his empire.
Following are the given alternatives:
The person who led the Mughal army during the battle of Haldighati is Man Singh. Thus, Option A is the correct answer.
Uday Singh was Marwar's Rathore king. Udai Singh surrendered the keys of Chittor to Sher Shah Suri in 1544, on the condition that Sher Shah would not hurt the people of Mewar. He did not lead the Mughal army during the battle of Haldighatti. Thus, Option B is incorrect.

Chandrasen Rathore was the Marwar king. He continued to fight until his last breath; then the empire was under the administration of Mughal. He did not lead the Mughal army during the battle of Haldighatti. Thus, Option C is incorrect.
Man Singh was the grandson of Vijay Singh, the Marwar king. But because of the civil war between his grandsons and his sons, Bhim Singh became the king. He did not lead the Mughal army during the battle of Haldighatti. Thus, Option D is also incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is A

> A narrow mountain pass at Haldighati near Gogunda in Rajasthan was the site of the Haldighati Battle.
> The strongest portion of the imperial forces of the Mughals was stationed in the pivotal right wing of the Sayyids of Barha.
> Later, a war was fought in Dewair, in which there were 20,000 Rajputs and 80,000 men from the Mughal army. The specifics of the Haldighati battle are held in the Chokhi Dhani Village.