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Who is known as the titular executive or the nominal head of the country?
A. Prime minister
B. President
C. Vice President
D. Chief minister

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 382.8k
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Hint:A titular executive or nominal head means that even if all the decisions made by the government are upholded in his name he does not have any real powers in terms of execution.

Complete answer:
By definition, "A titular ruler, or titular head, is a person in an official position of leadership who possesses few, if any, actual powers."
Sometimes a person may inhabit a position of titular leadership and still exercise more power than is normally expected of them, as a result of their personality or experience.

The prime minister is the nominal head of the government and not the Country.
The President is called the titular executive or the nominal head of the country because even though he has powers, they are limited. These powers can be exercised only when advised by the Prime minister and the council of ministers to do so.
The Vice President cannot be considered as the frontman of the country. Only in absence of the president he can take up the duties and powers of the president. The Chief minister is similarly the head of the state he governs.

However,The President is the one who appoints CJ(Chief Justice) of the Supreme Court, Other judges, Chief Election Commissioner, Governors,etc with the consultation of the prime minister of India.
The President is the representative of the country and is given some discretionary powers like that of suspensive veto and issuing proclamation of emergency etc.
All proclamations of emergency issued by the President must be approved by the parliament within a month. If not approved, the proclamation ceases to exist.

So, the correct answer is option B) The President.

Note:India follows a parliamentary system of government hence the President is not the real head of the executive. The real powers are in the hands of the Prime minister and the council of ministers. The current President of India is Shri Ram Nath Kovind.