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Is density an intensive or extensive property?

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: The physical properties of matter can be divided into two categories: intensive and extensive properties. Richard C Tolman first coined these phrases in \[1917\]. It's also worth noting that any ratio of two extensive properties will result in an intensive property.
An extensive property is a property of matter that is dependent on the amount of matter present. As the amount of matter or sample changes, the extensive properties vary as well.
A property of matter that is independent of the amount of matter present is known as an intensive property.

Complete answer:
The ratio of mass to volume is known as density. Density is an intense property since it does not vary while the amount of stuff changes. As a result, density is a limited property.
As a result, volume is a resource-intensive attribute.
The value of the Intensive property is unaffected by the amount of material present.
The density of gold, for example, is \[19.32\dfrac{g}{{c{m^3}}}\].Temperature, Concentration, and Pressure are a few other instances of intense qualities.
The mass or amount of any object or material determines its volume. As a result, volume is seen as a broad attribute.
Surface tension, viscosity, and density are qualities that are independent of the quantity or amount of matter. As a result, surface tension, viscosity, and density are all very important qualities.


Independent propertyDependent property
Size does not changeSize changes
It cannot be computedIt can be computed
Can be easily identifiedCannot be easily identified
Melting point, colour, ductility, conductivity, pressure, boiling point, lustre, freezing point, smell, density, and so on are examples of properties.Example: length, mass, weight, volume

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