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If 15.5 liters of refined oil cost $Rs.1063.30$, what is the cost of $1$ liter of refined oil?
(b) $Rs.75.95$
(c) $Rs.70.89$
(d) $Rs.62.55$

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: To solve the above question, we have to know the concept of Conversion between units. We have to know that Conversion of units is the conversion between different units of measurement for the same quantity, typically through multiplicative conversion factors. Here given that $15$ liters of refined oil cost $Rs.1063.30$. we have to find the cost of $1$ liter refined oil.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Before we go through the main problem, we have to take an example that will help to do the main problem. Let suppose we are buying $25$ apple at $Rs.125$ then we have to find the cost of $1$ apple.
So, we are buying $25$ apple at $Rs.125$that means $1$ apple is cost is $\Rightarrow \dfrac{125}{25}=Rs.5$.
Now we will take another example of it. Let suppose the cost of $60$ oranges are $Rs.360$ . Now we
Have to find how many oranges we will get in $Rs.120$ .So, for this case, we see that the cost of $1$
Orange is $=\dfrac{360}{60}=Rs.6$ .So, we get $\dfrac{120}{6}=20$ oranges in $Rs.120$ .
Now we go through our given problem,
It is given that $15$ liters of refined oil cost $Rs.1063.30$.
So, we need to find the cost of 1-liter refined oil that will be $\dfrac{1063.30}{15.5}=68.60$
Thus we get that $1$ liter refined oil cost $Rs.68.60$.
Hence, the correct option is (a) $Rs.68.60$.

Note: Here students must take care of the concept of Conversion between units. Sometimes student did a mistake of time of unit conversion like if I consider a problem the cost $500$ g onion is $Rs.20$. Now if the asks for the cost of $1$ kg onion, students forget to convert $1$ kg=$1000$ g. So, students have to take care of it.