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Identify the sentence that is in the past subjunctive mood:
A) I wish it weren’t so cold today.
B) The weather is freezing.
C) Why is it so cold today?
D) None of the above

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
Total views: 395.4k
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Hint: The sentences that are in subjunctive mood are similar to sentences in the simple past tense in subordinate clauses, the subjunctive mood is used. This mood refers to present or future situations that could have happened that will happen.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze each option one by one.

Option A is ‘I wish it weren’t so cold today’. The sentence signifies an improbable event that could have happened. That means the sentence is in a subjunctive mood and since it was used in the sentence, therefore. It is in the past subjunctive mood.

Option B is ‘the weather is freezing’. The sentence is in the present continuous tense. Also, the conditions mentioned in the hint are not satisfied. Therefore, according to the hint, option B is incorrect.

Option C is also incorrect. Because option C is ‘why is it so cold today’. Also, the conditions mentioned in the hint are not satisfied. This sentence does not signify any improbable or uncertain event. Therefore, option C is also incorrect.

Option D is none of the above. Since option A seems to be correct. Therefore, option D will not be correct.

When the sentence is given is in the past subjunctive mood, then the helping verb ‘were’ is commonly used in the sentence for the first person and third person. This point can be used to identify the correct answer.
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