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Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:
Crash, bang, boom goes the tiger.
A) Euphemism
B) Antithesis
C) Personification
D) Onomatopoeia

Last updated date: 19th Apr 2024
Total views: 393.9k
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Hint:Figures of speech are used in a non-literal sense. They are used in English writing for various purposes. The beauty of the written piece can be enhanced by using figures of speech. In this sentence the sound of the tiger is used.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze each option one by one.
Option A is the euphemism. This figure of speech is nowhere seen in the sentence. Also, according to the hint, this figure of speech is not used in the given sentence. Therefore, option A is incorrect.
Option B is an Antithesis. This figure of speech is nowhere seen in the sentence. Antithesis is used when there are contrasting views in the sentence. Also, according to the hint, this figure of speech is not used in the given sentence. Therefore, option B is also incorrect.
Option C is personification. This figure of speech is nowhere seen in the sentence. It is used when a non-living thing is personified. Also, according to the hint, this figure of speech is not used in the given sentence. Therefore, option C is also incorrect.
Option D is onomatopoeia. The words Crash, bang, the boom in the sentence represents this figure of speech. It is a sound made by the tiger. So, the correct answer is “Option D”.

Onomatopoeia is used when the name of someone or something is generated from the sound that it makes. In the given sentence it is used in the Crash, bang, boom sound made by the tiger. This will help in identifying the correct answer.
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