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Identify the correctly spelt word:
A) Occasion
B) Occassion
C) Occation
D) Occasoin

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
Total views: 408.3k
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Hint: In the English language, words are not necessarily spelt the way they are pronounced.

Complete answer::
From the hint given to us, we know that in English language words are not necessarily spelt the way they are pronounced. A group of letters might be able to convey the pronunciation of the word but they are only meaningful when they belong to the lexicon of the English language.

>Occasion belongs to the English lexicon. It is a noun which means an event or a moment. Hence, we can say that option A is possibly the correct answer.
>Occassion does not belong to the English lexicon and thus, is an invalid word. Hence, we can say that option B is not the correct answer.
>Occation does not belong to the English lexicon and thus, is an invalid word. Hence, we can say that option C is not the correct answer.
>Occasoin does not belong to the English lexicon and thus, is an invalid word. Hence, we can say that option D is not the correct answer.

Thus, we can conclude that option A, occasion is the correct answer.

Note: It is to be noted that one often confuses between occasion which is the correct spelling and occassion which is the incorrect spelling.
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