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Give two ways in which we can all help to reduce global warming. Write a catchy slogan to create awareness about it.

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: The gradual increase in the temperature of the earth which has a profound effect on the environment and biotic and abiotic components is known as global warming.

Complete answer:
Global warming is the gradual heating or increasing the temperature of the surface of the earth, oceans and atmosphere mainly by the various human activities and malpractices. The main cause of global warming is the unprecedented burning of fuels especially fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide, methane and other gases into the atmosphere and these gases absorb and trap the solar energy into the atmosphere.
The most immediate and direct effect of global warming is reflected in the increase in the levels of average temperatures across the world. The average global temperature is found to increase by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit or about 0.8 degrees Celsius in the last 100 years. Extreme weather conditions are another effect of global warming as some places on earth are experiencing hotter climates while others are facing extreme cold situations. Melting ice glaciers, huge snow melt, severe drought causes changes in the water level of the atmosphere. As a result of these processes, the sea levels rise and lead to coastal flooding. Disruption of normal habitats causes extinction of various species of organisms and new harmful and pathogenic pests and infections have risen.
Global warming is the prime concern of all the different countries of the world and various steps are being taken to counteract the rising case of global warming.
Use of fossil fuels is one of the major contributing causes in global warming. We need to emphasize serious cuts on the use and dependency on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels when burned in the atmosphere release harmful green-house gases that trap the sunlight and block it to be reflected back from the earth surface. The use of fossil fuels should be minimised and in place of it, greener or cleaner fuels that emit no or very less amount of green-house gases should be preferred. More energy efficient technologies and practices should be adopted to maximise the utility of the fuels but with decreased emission.

In addition to this, we should focus on afforestation or planting of trees as a remedial measure for tackling global warming. The plants use carbon dioxide to perform photosynthetic activities and oxygen is released as a result of this. Plants can also hold the soil and prevent the washing away of soil due to flooding or increased levels of water.
Thus, protection of the earth from the various dangerous effects of global warming is the need of today. “We have to act today to make our tomorrow better” should be our slogan so that we can protect our atmosphere, flora and fauna as well as provide a more clean and safe earth for our future generations.

Note: Global warming is the most dangerous challenge that we are facing and it affects the atmosphere in multiple ways. We should emphasize on planting more trees and cutting the use of fossil fuels so that green-house emission can be decreased as a result the effects of global warming can be controlled.
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