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Form the plural form of the noun: deer
a. Deers
b. Dears
c. Deeres
d. Deer

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 433.5k
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Hint: Deer is a four-legged animal. Some nouns do not change when pluralized.

Complete answer:
There are many words in the English language which are used unaltered to refer to singular or plural nouns. For e.g., Sheep, series, news, etc. These words refer to both singular forms of the noun as well as the plural form as needed. Deer is one such word too. It is used as per the requirement for both singular as well as plural. Thus, option d, Deer is the correct answer. Option b, dears is the plural of the word dear which is used as an affectionate or friendly form of address. For e.g. Dear mother or ‘My dears’ (used to refer to a group of people who are dear to someone). Hence, option b is incorrect. There is no such word as ‘deeres’ in the English language, therefore, option c too is incorrect.

Note: To refer to more than one deer, we can say, two deer, ten deer, 100 deer, etc. we do not say two deers, or ten deers as that would be incorrect.