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Five years from when Ram was 5 year old, Shyam was 5 times the age of Ram. Present age of Shyam is 3 times that of Ram. Find the present age of Ram and Shyam.
(a) 10, 30
(b) 20, 60
(c) 30, 90
(d) 15, 45

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
Total views: 421.2k
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Hint: Assume that the present age of Ram is x year and the present age of Shyam is y year. Then apply the conditions according to the question to form equations and solve them.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Let us assume that the present age of Ram is x year.
The present age of Shyam is y year.
It is given in the question that the present age of Shyam is 3 times that of Ram.
That means if we multiply the present age of Ram, that is x, by 3 we will get the present age of Shyam, that is y.
Therefore the equation will be,
The other condition that is given in the question is five years back from now the age of Ram was 5 year.
That means if we subtract 5 from Ram’s present age, we will get 5. Therefore,
We will take -5 from left hand side to right hand side to get the value of x.
$\Rightarrow x=5+5=10$
Therefore the present age of Ram is 10 year.
Now if we put the value of x in equation (1) we will get,
$y=3\times 10=30$
Hence, the present age of Ram is 10 year and the present age of Shyam is 30 year.
Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Note: Alternatively we can solve this problem just by cross checking the options. The first condition is five years back from now Ram’s age 5. That means now Ram’s age is 5 + 5 = 10.
Only option (a) has the value 10 as Ram’s age and it is satisfying the other conditions also. Hence, option (a) is correct.