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Find what percent of 60 is 80.

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
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Hint: The formula to calculate percentage is \[Percentage = \dfrac{{Value}}{{Total{\text{ }}Value}} \times 100\% \]. Use this formula to find out the percentage of 60 out of 80.

Complete step-by-step solution -
A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is denoted using the percent sign, “%”. It does not have any dimension.
A percentage is a number out of 100. Few examples where percentage representation is used are for marks, in markets for discounts, percent of the tax, and so on.
A whole is represented by 100 % and 0 % means 0.
To calculate the percentage of a quantity, we divide the quantity by the total value and multiply by 100. The formula is given below:
\[Percentage = \dfrac{{Value}}{{Total{\text{ }}Value}} \times 100\% ..........(1)\]
In this problem, we need to find the percentage of 60 out of 80.
Hence, the total value is 60 and the value is 80, so we divide 80 by 60 and multiply by 100 to get the value of percentage. Using equation (1), we have:
Percentage = \[\dfrac{{80}}{{60}} \times 100\% \]
Simplifying the terms by canceling the factors in numerator and denominator, we have:
Percentage = \[1.3333 \times 100\% \]
Simplifying, we have as follows:
Percentage = 133.33 %
Hence, 80 is 133.33 % of 60.
The required answer is 133.33 %.

Note: Do not take the total value as 60 + 80, it will result in the wrong answer. 60 is the total value here and 80 is the value we are finding the percentage for. Here we have to find 80 is how much part out of 60.