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Find the word opposite in meaning to LEGITIMATE :

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: To be able to distinguish between the given words, the meanings of the given word, and the options must be known or found out.

Complete step-by-step answer:

The given word, ‘legitimate’ is an adjective used to describe something that is legal or lawful or valid in any given context. Option ‘a’ ‘valid’ means something that is legal or lawful, it has exactly the same meaning as the given word, maybe this is a higher degree of the same word, it cannot be an antonym, hence it is an incorrect choice. Option ‘b’, ‘extend’ is a noun used to describe the limit of something, it is an incorrect option .Option ‘c’, unlawful, as we can see in the above discussion, is the exact opposite of the given word, hence it is the correct option. Option ‘d’, distinguished, means honourable or extremely successful, it has nothing to do with the given word, it is incorrect as well. Clearly, option ‘c’, is the correct answer.

Note: The most important part of solving this question would be to know the meanings of the given word and the options that follow.