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Find the synonym of the underlined word:
Most wild animals are easy to tame.

a) Domesticate
b) Catch
d) Feed
e) Take care of

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
Total views: 400.2k
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Hint: If the meanings of two words are similar to each other, they are called synonyms. For example, pretty and beautiful are synonyms of each other.

Complete answer:

Tame means to domesticate. Therefore, option a is the correct answer. The correct sentence will read as “Most wild animals are easy to domesticate’. This means that most wild animals can be made docile by petting them and showing them love. They will stop being dangerous and will not bite you. Animals are tamed for the circus. To tame means to train the animals in such a way so as to make them listen to you.
Option b is wrong because catch does not mean to tame. Even untamed animals can be caught. For example, wild animals are caught to be showcased in a zoo.
Option c is wrong because identify means to recognize something. Recognizing something is not the same as taming.
Option d is incorrect because feed means to give food to someone. All animals need food, irrespective of them being wild or tame.
Option e is not a suitable synonym for this sentence. An animal can be taken care of only if it is tame. Wild animals take care of themselves and of each other because they live in the jungle.

Note: Since one word has many meanings, it is important to have a rich vocabulary. A rich vocabulary can be built by reading many books. It is also important to read the question and its options carefully to understand the context of the question and choose the option accordingly.

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