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How do you find a midpoint of two numbers?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The midpoint of two numbers can be expressed as the number which is exactly in the middle of the two numbers. Mathematically the midpoint of any two numbers can be calculated by finding the average of two numbers. Here we will take one example and follow the concepts.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Midpoint is the point which is exactly in the middle of the two numbers.
We can find the midpoint of the two given numbers by adding both the numbers and then dividing it by the number two. It is the average of the two numbers.
For the better idea, let us take an example –
The midpoint between the number \[6\] and $ 50 $
Now, to get the midpoint –
Add both the given numbers and then divide it by the number two.
 $ = \dfrac{{6 + 50}}{2} $
Now simplify the above expression –
 $ = \dfrac{{56}}{2} $
Now find the factor of the number two or directly divide it with the denominator.
 $ = \dfrac{{28 \times 2}}{2} $
Common factors from the numerator and the denominator cancel each other. Therefore remove from the numerator and the denominator.
 $ = 28 $
Hence the midpoint of the numbers $ 6 $ and $ 50 $ is $ 28 $

Note: Always remember that midpoint is the middle most value. Be very good in multiples and simplification of the numbers. Always remember that the common multiples from the numerator and the denominator cancel each other. Multiples of the numbers are infinite; there is no end for the multiples of any number. Always remember that the first twenty multiples of the numbers till $ 20 $ at least.