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What is the end Product of Protein metabolism in humans?

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
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Hint: Metabolism refers to the total amount of biochemical reactions that go on in an organism's cells to keep them alive. Energy is required by all living organisms for a variety of essential processes as well as the production of new organic substances.

Complete answer:
The metabolic processes aid in the growth and reproduction of living organisms as well as the maintenance of their structures. Metabolic activities allow organisms to respond to their surroundings. Energy is required for all chemical reactions in living organisms, from digestion to the transportation of substances from cell to cell.
Starch contains a lot of dietary glucose. Analyses are enzymes that help with metabolism by degrading starch. Lactose (from milk), fructose (from fruits), and sucrose are all sources of glucose (from table sugar). Active membrane transport systems aid in the absorption of monosaccharide species such as fructose, glucose, and fructose. Monosaccharide components are sugars that are made up of monosaccharides.
Protein synthesis, or anabolism, and protein breakdown, or catabolism, are both involved in protein metabolism. Translation converts amino acids into proteins, which are then digested by proteolytic enzymes and broken down into their constituent amino acids. Amino acids are interconverted and degraded further. Deamination and transamination, for example, produce a variety of important metabolic cycle intermediates. Urea formation removes the ammonia released during the process.
Non-essential amino acids are synthesized in the body, whereas essential amino acids and nitrogen for the synthesis of other amino acids are obtained from dietary protein. Excess amino acids are converted to fat or glycogen for storage or used for energy production.

Amino Acids are the end Product of Protein metabolism in humans.

Catabolism is a chemical reaction that breaks down larger organic molecules into smaller ones. Energy is released as a result of this metabolic process. Anabolism is the process of constructing or synthesizing compounds from simpler substances that the cells require. This metabolic process necessitates the use of and storage of energy.