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Differentiate between
1. Diurnal and nocturnal animals
2. Hibernation and aestivation

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Diurnal animals are active in the day time whereas nocturnal animals are active at night.
Hibernation and aestivation both require escape in time but hibernation is winter sleep and aestivation is summer sleep.

Complete answer:
1) Nocturnality is a characteristic behaviour in some animals who are active during the night and resting in the daytime. The nocturnal has its opposite diurnal in which animals like birds are active during the day and take rest during the night. Nocturnal animals have dilated pupils which allow maximum light penetration into the eyes. Animals like red foxes use good night vision for hunting.

Nocturnal animals Diurnal animals
These animals are active during the night hours.These animals are active during the day hours.
These animals have rod cells for proper night vision.These animals contain cones for proper daylight watch.
They communicate by the means of sounds only.Different methods help them in communication.
Examples are bats, owls and some reptilesExample includes human, birds, deer

2) Hibernation is also known as winter sleep. The warm and cold blooded animals undergo hibernation. It is a dormant stage in which all the metabolic activities of animals slows down. They maintain constant body temperature.
Hibernation Aestivation
Hibernation is the decrease activity to escape cold winter time.Aestivation is the decreased activity to escape desiccation due to heat in summer time.
It takes place for a long duration.It takes place for quite a small duration.
Bears and squirrels hamper cold regions are the examples of animals that hibernate throughout winters.Fishes and snails are examples of organisms aestivating throughout the summers.

Aestivation is also known as summer sleep. Animals sleep in shady places. The homeostasis is maintained so that there is no loss of water from the body.

Note: Aestivation and hibernation works very slowly as the metabolic activity and the heartbeats and even breathing rates slow down. It is found that most Nocturnal animals have colour blindness while diurnal animals do not have such issues.
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