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Who did go along with the king to meet the hermit?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The above question is from the chapter ‘Three Questions’, a short story written by Leo Tolstoy. The moral of the story is to live right now, instead of protesting about the past and being restless about tomorrow.

Complete answer:
 In the short story “Three Questions” Leo Tolstoy explores the subject of intelligence, acknowledgement, benevolence, and pardoning. The story is about a king who needs to know the appropriate response of the three inquiries in order to get illumination.

The three questions are: what is the right time for every activity, which are the ideal individuals to be with and what is the most important thing to do. He declared that he would give an incredible award to the individual who can respond to his three inquiries.

A lot of learned men concocted their answers. Tragically, their answers didn't fulfil the king. So, he chose to counsel a wise hermit.

Nobody accompanied the king for his visit to the hermit. The ruler goes to the hermit since he needs to know the solutions for his questions. He went there alone in light of the fact that he would not like to show that he is a ruler and dressed like a typical individual. The hermit said that the main time is our present since it is the solitary second when we have the ability to act.

Note: The main individual at a second is we ourselves in light of the fact that what's to come is unpredictable and the main business is to be benevolent and acceptable to others since we have been sent in this world to serve this respectable purpose. So this way the hermit tells the ruler that every answer is inside him. Accordingly, the responses to the King's inquiries are good lessons that empower one a happy living.