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How many cubic feet equals to 1 unit sand?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 333.3k
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Hint: This type of question is fully related to units and their conversions. Like the one mentioned above is related to measurement of volume. Generally, on construction sites this type of unit is used. Let’s go in detail.

Complete step-by-step answer:
We know that cubic is the word related to volume.
We measure volume in cubic meters or centimeters. Foot is also used to measure length or height we can say.
So, we can say that 100 cubic feet is equal to 1 unit of sand.
This is generally written as 1 unit sand= 100 CFT stands for cubic feet.
So, the correct answer is “ 1 unit sand= 100 CFT”.

Note: Note that, the unit used above is one of the volume measuring units. When a truck is loaded with sand the unit is measured as the volume of the truck is equal to 1 unit of sand. The weight of dry sand or wet sand is a different concept that is used to measure the units of weights.