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Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word: KOOK
a. Illiterate
b. Sane
c. Peculiar
d. Foolish

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 401.1k
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Hint: The meaning of the word given in the question, kook, is used to refer to someone who is mad or eccentric in nature.

Complete answer:
In the given question, we have been given a word and we need to find the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word. This must be chosen from the four options that we have available to us.
In order to do this, let us first understand the meaning of the given word, kook. It is used to refer to someone whose ideas and actions are often eccentric, fantastic or insane.
Now, let us take a look at the given options one by one and find a suitable opposite.
- Option ‘A’, illiterate, refers to someone who is unable to read or write, that is someone who is poorly educated.
- Option ‘B’, sane, refers to someone of a sound mind, that is someone who does not deal with any mental disorder.
- Option ‘C’, peculiar, refers to something that is strange or different from what is normally expected.
- Option ‘D’, foolish, refers to someone who lacks good sense or judgement.
From the above option, we can see that options ‘A’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ are incorrect as their meanings do not match that of the given word.

> Hence, the correct answer is option ‘B’, sane as it is the exact opposite of the given word, kook.

Note: If you are confused with the meanings of the given words, it is advisable that you use the elimination method to remove the words that you think are incorrect, one by one. This will help you to finally reach the correct answer.