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Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 409.2k
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Hint: Chide means to scold or to chastise someone. It belongs to the word category of verbs.

Complete step-by-step answer:

We know from the hint given to us that chide means to scold or to chastise someone. We also know that it belongs to the word category of verbs. Hence, the opposite of this should mean someone that appreciates. We shall be matching the given options with the description that we have inferred for the opposite word of chide.
Raise means to lift something up. It is a verb. We observe that the meaning of raise does not match the description that we have inferred for the opposite of chide. Hence, option A is not the correct answer.
Fear means to be afraid or scared of something. It is a verb. We observe that the meaning of fear does not match the description that we have inferred for the opposite of chide. Hence, option B is not the correct answer.
Criticize is to point out the faults in something. it is a verb. We observe that the meaning of ‘criticise’ does not match the description that we have inferred for the opposite of chide. Hence option C is not the correct answer.
Flatter means to appreciate someone. It is a verb. We observe that the meaning of flatter matches with the description that we have inferred for the opposite of chide. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

Note: Chide is a formal verb used in formal surroundings as that of a debate or a group discussion.
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