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Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation marks:
may god bless you
a) may god bless you!
b) May god bless you!
c) May God bless you!
d) May God Bless you!

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Punctuation means the use of proper spacing and conventional signs that helps in conveying the proper meaning of a sentence. Punctuation marks are the signs we use for this purpose.

Complete step by step answer:
 The punctuation marks are the signs or devices that we use in a sentence to get a proper structure and meaning to it. The commonly used punctuation marks are full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, a hyphen, exclamation mark, question mark, and so on.
This also refers to the proper capitalisation of the words in a sentence. The given statement requires correct punctuation and capitalisation of words to convey its proper meaning.
As it is an exclamatory sentence, we must use an exclamation mark (!) at the end.

Let’s analyse each of the options:
>Option a does not show proper capitalisation of the words although it has an exclamation mark at the end. We hence rule out this option.
>Option b is also incorrect as not only ‘May’ but also ‘god’ should be capitalised. ‘God’ is always used as a proper or a common noun and should be capitalised.
>Option c will be the right answer here as ‘May’ and ‘God’ are capitalised and the sentence ends with an exclamation mark.
>Option d becomes wrong as ‘bless’ is the verb here and it need not be capitalised.

Thus option ‘C’ is the correct answer

Note: One must not confuse the use of ‘May’ and its punctuation as sentences like ‘May I come in?’ is an interrogative sentence and ends with a question mark.
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