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Choose the opposite of the given word-
a) Effervescence
b) Mobile
c) Progress
d) Inertia
e) Flamboyance

Last updated date: 18th May 2024
Total views: 390k
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Hint:The dictionary meaning of the given word ‘stagnant' is ‘having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.

Complete answer:
The given word ‘stagnant' is an adjective. It means ‘showing no activity; dull and sluggish'. For example A stagnant economy. Something that is inactive is stagnant. We have to find out the opposite of the given word.
Now, let us examine all the given options to find out the correct answer -
Option ‘a’ is Effervescence. It is a noun which means bubbles in a liquid; fizz. For example The effervescence of sparkling wine.
Option ‘b’ is Mobile. It is an adjective that means able to move or be moved freely or easily. For example He is not very mobile.
Option ‘c’ is Progress. It is a noun that means forward or onward movement towards a destination or a goal.
Option ‘d’ is Inertia. It is a noun that means a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged. For example The inertia of the government.
Option ‘e’ is Flamboyance. It is a noun that means the tendency to attract attention because of one’s exuberance, confidence, and stylishness. For example, He had a kind of flamboyance.
As we have analyzed all the given options, we can easily figure out the correct answer. Here, the word opposite in meaning to ‘stagnant’ is ‘flamboyance’. Hence option ‘e’ is the correct option.

All the other options are plausible distractions. Don’t confuse between ‘inertia’ and ‘flamboyance'. Both have different meanings and different functions.
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