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Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

As the thief jumped over the wall, the police caught him .

A) Hot-headed
B) Fly-by-night
C) Wide-eyed
D) Red-handed

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 399.6k
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Hint: The phrase that has a meaning that is suitable in this context will mean catching a person who has done something wrong, maybe a crime while he/she is committing that act or immediately after it is committed.

Complete answer:

So, keeping the hint in mind, let us analyze each option one by one to determine which one is the correct one.

Option A is hot-headed. This phrase means to be impulsive, aggressive, or has short temperateness. This phrase is not suitable in this case because it has a meaning different from the one described in the hint. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Option B is also incorrect. This is because, the phrase, fly-by-night means someone who is not trustworthy or reliable. This is usually associated with financial matters. This phrase has a different meaning from the one required here.

The phrase wide-eyed means opening the eyes wide enough, especially when one is surprised or afraid. This phrase is also nowhere related to the meaning described in the hint given above. Therefore, option C is also incorrect.

Option D is red-handed. This phrase means to catch or capture someone while committing a misdeed or crime or a wrong act. This phrase has a meaning similar to the one described in the hint. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

Note: Phrases like this are usually used to denote an expression or situation. They have a meaning that is different from their literal meaning. Therefore, each option should be carefully studied to determine the correct answer.

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