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Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word:

A. Shocking
B. Exclamation
C. Compensation
D. Threatening
E. Discharge

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 398.4k
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Hint: In this question we need to look for the synonym of the given word effusion. Let's first understand what synonyms mean – Two words with a nearly common meaning or same meaning words are called synonyms.

Complete step by step answer:
 The word effusion means: flowing out, outburst, release and flow of gas and liquid etc.
Now let’s examine and understand the given option above.
A. Shocking: The word shocking means: Appalling or awful and it is basically used for very bad experience or feelings, so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Surprise, Astonish etc.
Example: It was a shocking and bad accident.
B. Exclamation: The word exclamation means: It is a kind of sound that we produce when something very strange happens or we feel some pain and anger, so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Ouch, Yell, Scream etc.
Example: Oops! How did it happen?
C. Compensation: The word compensation: Amount or cash that we get from the government after a major accident or money that we get from an organization in exchange of work, , so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Payment, Wages etc.
Example: Due to the major loss, the government compensated 100,000 to the victim family.
D. Threatening: The word threatening means: To cause harm or create an issue or problem for them if they don’t do exactly as you want or warning, blackmail, etc, so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Bullying, terrifying, etc.
Example: Robbers threatened one family and took jewellery from them.
E. Discharge: Here the word discharge has the same meaning “flow of liquid, gas, etc”, to allow somebody officially to leave. As it is a related and appropriate answer for the given question,

 > So, the suitable synonym will be option [E] Discharge.

Example: Oil is moving out or flowing from the tanker.
Today, I got discharged from the hospital.

Note: For choosing the correct option you should know the actual meaning of the given question because synonym is something which defines the word having the same meaning.
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