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Botanical name or scientific name of banana is
A) Musa Paradisiaca
B) Calotropis procera
C) Mimosa pudica
D) Iberis amara

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 395.7k
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Hint: Banana belongs to a family Musaceae. The genus comprises flowering plants which produce plantains and edible bananas. It is of the order Zingiberales.

Complete answer:
A banana is a berry botanically. It is an elongated fruit which is edible. It belongs to flowering plants which are large and herbaceous. It belongs to the genus Musa. The bananas are also used for cooking. These are known as plantains. These plantains are a different form of bananas as they can’t be eaten raw, they need to be cooked before eating. Musa balbisiana, Musa acuminaia and Musa paradisiaca (which is a hybrid of Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana) are some of the majorly cultivated banana species. However, out of these Musa paradisiaca is the most commonly cultivated species of banana. Banana offers several health benefits as it helps in improvement of cardiac health of a person and also aids in digestion. Potassium, iron, calcium, riboflavin, etc. are present in bananas in high amounts.
On the other hand, Calotropis procera is the botanical name of giant milkweed and Mimosa pudica is the botanical name of touch me not plant while Iberis amara is the botanical name of Rocket Candytuft.

So, the correct answer is option “A”.

Note: Bananas are helpful in preventing body from Type 2 diabetes, they lessen the swelling and help in building lean muscles and recovering the damaged muscles. They are a rich source of vitamin B6 therefore they aid in production of white blood corpuscles by the body and also aids in weight loss and nervous system strengthening.