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Baichung’s father is 26 years younger than baichung’s grandfather and 29 years older than baichung. The sum of the ages of all the three is 135 years. What is the age of each one of them?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Let Baichung’s age be x since as in question his father’s age is given in comparison with his age and his grandfather’s age is given in comparison with his father’s age. So if we can find out the age of Baichung, we can easily find the age of the other two.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Let Baichung’s age be $x$
It is given that Baichung's father is 29 years older than him.
$ \Rightarrow $ Baichung’s father age = $x + 29$
It is also given that Baichung’s grandfather is 26 years older than Baichung’s father.
$ \Rightarrow $ Baichung’s grandfather age = $(x + 29) + 26$
$ \Rightarrow $ Baichung’s grandfather age =$x + 55$
Since it is given that the sum of the ages of all the three is 135.
$ \Rightarrow $$x + x + 29 + x + 55 = 135$
$ \Rightarrow $$3x + 84 = 135$
$ \Rightarrow $$3x = 51$
$ \Rightarrow $$x = \dfrac{{51}}{3}$
$ \Rightarrow $$x = 17$
Baichung’s age= 17
Baichung’s father age= 17+29= 46
Baichung’s grandfather age = 17+29+26 = 72

Note: The most important thing to note in this question is that by finding the age of only one of them, we were able to find the age of all three. Thus, always look for the variable on which the other terms depend and proceed as given in question.