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Who is the author of Humayun Nama?
a. Humayun
b. Firdosi
c. Gulbadan Begam
d. Badayuni

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: Humayun Nama describes the life of the Humayun, the second Mughal emperor. Humayun was the son of Babur and he succeeded his father as the Mughal emperor of India from around 1530 to 1556.

Complete Step by Step Answer: The book Humayun Nama was documented about the reign of Humayun as it was fashionable for Mughal rulers to ask writers to do the same.
Akbar had asked his aunt Gulbadan Begum to write about whatever she could remember of her half-brother i.e. Humayun’s life. He told her to put into writing about his father’s joys, defeats, rule and other trepidations.
Gulbadan had returned to Kabul when Humayun had fled Delhi after losing his battle with Sher Shah Suri. She came to Agra on the pretext of her nephew Akbar, who had become the king after Humayun died. There on she was commissioned by Akbar to chronicle the story of the latter’s father.
Gulbadan had used simple Persian language for writing the book. She made sure she wrote the facts without any embellishment or any kind of dressings. She had taken cue from her father Babur’s autobiography, Babur Nama.
Let us look at the alternatives given.
Option a- Humayun was not the writer of Humayun Nama. The book had been written after his death. So, this is an incorrect answer.
Option b- Firdosi was a Persian poet and is considered one of the greatest poets of Persian literature. He had written Shahnameh which is one of the world’s longest epic poems written by a single poet. Thus, this is a wrong option.
Option c- Gulbadan Begum was the half-sister of Humayun. She had written the book Humayun Nama upon being convinced by her nephew, Akbar. Hence, it is the right answer.
Option d- Badayuni was the first Grand Mufti of India and had translated the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Though he had written about Humayun in some of his works, he didn’t write Humayun-Nama. This is a wrong answer.
Therefore, the correct answer is option ‘c’.

Note: Humayun Nama is also known as Ahwal Humayun Padshah Jamah Kardom Gulbadan Begum bint Babur Padshah amma Akbar Padshah.