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Where are the headquarters of UNESCO, UNICEF and FAO situated?

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation(UNESCO) is a part of the United Nations which is responsible for global unity and world peace through education and cultural means. The United Nations Children Emergency Fund(UNICEF) is a humanitarian service provided to children worldwide. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) whose main aim is to defeat hunger around the world.

Complete Step by Step answer:
The headquarters of UNESCO is situated in Paris, France, UNICEF’s headquarters are in New York, USA and FAO are in Rome, Italy. UNESCO was founded in 1945 and has strived towards uniting the world upon agreements on World Heritage sites, cultural and national importance, protection of human rights and closing the gap in digital divide. UNICEF was created in 1946 in order to provide protection for children and women who have been affected in the Second World War. FAO was established in 1945 in order to free the world from hunger and provide better nutrition.

The UNESCO, UNICEF and FAO are all specialized agencies under the United Nations established with the aim of providing humane and benevolent service to the world. The heads of these three organisations are:
a. UNESCO:Audrey Azoulay
b. UNICEF: Henrietta. H. Fore
c. FAO: Qu Dongyu.

Note: The agencies within the UN are autonomous bodies, which works at an intergovernmental level in securing world peace. While answering the question do not get confused because all the headquarters of the organs of the United Nations are located at different locations. The headquarters of the UN itself is located in New York, USA.
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