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Against the given word, there are some alternatives, one of which is either similar in meaning (synonym) or opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word. Find out which of the given alternatives is either a synonym or an antonym of the word.
A) Bury
B) Decipher
C) Admit
D) Integrate

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 392.4k
Views today: 5.92k
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Hint:Antonyms are the words that are opposite in meaning to the given word whereas synonyms are the words that have a meaning similar to the meaning of the given word. The word EXHUME means to remove the body that is dead from the ground.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze each option one by one.
Option A is Bury. The word means to put something or a dead body underground. This word has a meaning that is exactly different/opposite from the meaning of the word EXHUME. Therefore, option A is the antonym of the given word. Hence, option A is possibly correct.
Option B is decipher. The word deciphers means to decode or try to understand something that is usually in written form. This word is nowhere related to EXHUME. Therefore, option B is incorrect.
Option C is admit. The word means to allow something to enter. This word is neither an antonym nor a synonym of the given word. This word is nowhere related to EXHUME. Therefore, option C is incorrect.
Option D is to Integrate. It means to add something or to join something together. This word is neither an antonym nor a synonym of the given word. This word is nowhere related to EXHUME. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

 The synonyms and antonyms of the same word will be exactly opposite from each other. Therefore, by looking at the options, it can be analyzed in which two options are exactly opposite to each other which will help in eliminating the wrong ones.

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