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Against the given word, there are some alternatives, one of which is either similar in meaning (synonym) or opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word. Find out which of the given alternatives is either a synonym or an antonym of the word.
a. Short-sighted
b. Learned
c. Puzzling
d. Displeased

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 399.6k
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Hint: An antonym refers to a word that is contrary in meaning to another word, whereas a synonym refers to a word that has the same meaning as another word. Example- Dull is an antonym of lustrous, while shiny is a synonym of lustrous.

Complete answer:
‘Enigmatic’ refers to something that is bewildering or ambiguous in the sense that it cannot be explained properly. The word ‘enigmatic’ has been derived from the Greek word- Ainigma, which means riddle.
We know the meaning and the origin of the word ‘enigmatic’. Now, let’s look at its usage:
Example- The employees were eagerly waiting to meet their enigmatic boss. Here, we can conclude that the employees were eagerly waiting to meet their mysterious or ambiguous boss.
Let’s examine the given options-
Option a- ‘Short-sighted’ refers to a medical condition in which a person is unable to clearly see the things that are located at a distance. Example- My grandmother has become short-sighted. ‘Short-sighted’ is completely different in meaning to enigmatic. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option b- ‘Learned’ refers to a person who is well-educated or knowledgeable. Example- He belongs to a learned family. ‘Learned’ is different in meaning to enigmatic. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option c- ‘Puzzling’ refers to something that is confusing or difficult to understand. Example- The student demanded the teacher to answer a puzzling question. ‘Puzzling’ is similar in meaning to enigmatic. Hence, it is the correct option.
Option d- ‘Displeased’ refers to being irritated or annoyed by something. Example- The baby was displeased with the toys. ‘Displeased’ is different in meaning to enigmatic. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
The correct answer is Option ‘c’.

Note: You need to choose the option that matches the context of the given word, either in a positive or a negative sense. Some commonly used synonyms of enigmatic are; mysterious, unexplainable, baffling etc.
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