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Against the given word, there are some alternatives, one of which is either similar in meaning (synonym) or opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word. Find out which of the given alternatives is either a synonym or an antonym of the word.


Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 402.9k
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Hint: A word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other is an antonym.
Two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context.

Complete answer:

The word ‘ostentatious’ refers to something that is characterized by a showy display.

Let us analyze the options given to us in this question:
Option (b.), ‘talkative', refers to a person who talks a lot.
Therefore, option (b.) is incorrect as it’s meaning is completely irrelevant to that of ‘ostentatious’.

Option (c.), ‘noisy', refers to something or someone being characterized by a lot of noise.
Therefore, option (c.) is incorrect as it is neither synonymous nor antonymous to the word ‘ostentatious’.

Option (d.), 'wealthy', refers to someone having a great deal of money.
Therefore, option (d.) is incorrect as it is neither synonymous nor antonymous to the word ‘ostentatious’. It is not necessary that someone who’s wealthy is also ostentatious.

These words aren’t relevant to the given word. Hence options (c.), (b.), and (d.) are wrong.
Option (a.), ‘showy', refers to something that has a striking appearance or style; excessively flamboyant. Hence, option (a.) is correct, as it is synonymous with the word ‘ostentatious’.

Note: You should always remember that the key to solving antonym-synonym questions is scrutinizing the meaning of the given options and the word in the question.
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