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What is 8 divided by 0?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 8
(d) Not defined

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 347.7k
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Hint: To find the solution of this problem, we are to check the options one by one and check which one is right. To conclude things, anything we multiply with 0 gives us the result 0 anytime. So, it is almost impossible to get any other result dividing any number by 0 rather than undefined.

Complete step by step solution:
According to the problem, we are trying to find the value of what we will get dividing 8 by 0.
Now, to start with, there is no number that we can multiply by 0 to get a non-zero number.
So, now, we can start checking the given and find out which one of them is right.
Considering the first option, we are having, 0. Now, if we multiply 0 with the value 0, we will get the value 0 at the very end.
So, this is not our needed solution.
Considering the second option, we are having, 1. Now, if we multiply 1 with the value 0, we will get the value 0 at the very end.
So, again, this is not our needed solution.
Considering the third option, we are having, 8. Now, if we multiply 8 with the value 0, we will get the value 0 at the very end.
Again, this is not our needed solution.
Thus, we have the answer is not defined because any non-zero number divided by 0 is undefined.

So, the correct answer is “Option d”.

Note: In some cases, we can see that infinity is the answer of something getting divided by zero. But, to deal with, infinity is not a real number, and even if it were, it wouldn't be the answer to dividing something by zero. There is no number that you can multiply by 0 to get a non-zero number. There is NO solution, so any non-zero number divided by 0 is undefined.