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25 exceed a number by 7? Find the number

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
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Hint: In this question, we need to determine the value of a number such that 25 exceeds that number by 7. For this, we will assume the number which we have to find to be x and then it is said that 25 exceeds the number by 7, so we will add 7 to the unknown number and then we will equate it by 25 so we will get a linear equation.
By solving the equation we will get the value of the unknown number.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Let the unknown number be x.
According to the question, it has been given that 25 exceed the number by 7, hence we can write this in equation (mathematically) as
\[\Rightarrow x + 7 = 25\]
Now we got a linear equation where x is a variable, so we will find the value of the variable x from the equation by subtracting 7 from both side of the equation, hence we can write
\Rightarrow x + 7 - 7 = 25 - 7 \\
\Rightarrow x = 18 \;
So the value of the unknown number such that 25 exceeds the number by 7 is \[x = 18\]
So, the correct answer is “x=18”.

Note: To solve these language problems students must first try to understand the question whether what the question is asking for and then should form an algebraic equation and by solving the obtained algebraic equation the required values can be calculated.