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What is 10 % of 1 hour?
A. 1 min
B. 5 min
C. 6 min
D. 3 min

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 299.1k
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Hint: we will use the formula for finding the percentage of any quantity which states that x of y is equal to \[\dfrac{x}{{100}} \times y\]. We will also use the conversion formulas of time for converting hours into minutes and minutes into seconds, which is 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

Complete step by step answer:
We have to find the value of 10 % of 1 hour. So, we will first convert hours into minutes.
1 hour is equal to 60 minutes. So, now we have to find the 10 % of 60 minutes.
We know that the formula for finding the percentage is $\dfrac{x}{{100}} \times y$
Here, x is the amount of percentage we need to find and y is the value of whose we are finding the percentage. So, x will be equal to 10 and y will be equal to 60.
$ = \dfrac{{10}}{{100}} \times 60$
$ = \dfrac{{600}}{{100}}$
$ = 6$minutes
The value of 10 % of 1 hour is 6 minutes.

So, the correct answer is “Option C”.

Hours, minutes and seconds are the units of time. Unit of time is any particular time interval which is used as a standard way of measuring the duration. The base unit of time is the second. We can always convert the time from one unit system to another based on the scale of their measurement.
We need to be extremely careful about converting the values from one unit system to another. It is not compulsory to convert the value in terms of another unit as in this case we converted hour into minute, we did this to simplify the calculation. We can find the answer in hours also.