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Maharashtra Class 10 History Solutions for All Chapters


Maharashtra Board Solutions for Class 10 History: Free PDF Download

Maharashtra Board Solutions for Class 10 History is one of the best study materials provided by Vedantu on this page in the pdf format to help Maharashtra Board students prepare better for the upcoming Class 10 History exam. These are the best tools to help students understand the lessons and topics covered in the Class 10 syllabus of History.

In addition, these Maharashtra State Board Class 10 History solutions clarify the students’ doubts and help them learn to solve exercise problems easily. This eventually prepares them better for the exams, and they can score higher marks. 

Read on to find the chapters covered in Class 10 History and a few other benefits of Class 10 Maharashtra Board History Solutions.

Chapters Covered in Class 10 History Maharashtra Board

Chapter 1: Historiography Development in the West

Chapter 2: Historiography of Indian Tradition

Chapter 3: Applied History

Chapter 4: History of Indian Arts

Chapter 5: Mass Media and History

Chapter 6: Entertainment and History

Chapter 7: Sports and History

Chapter 8: Tourism and History

Chapter 9: Heritage Management


Importance of History 10th Std Maharashtra Board Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History is a theoretical subject that students must prepare effectively to score better grades in the Maharashtra Board Class 10th exam.

To help students prepare for each chapter of this subject easily and effectively,  the subject experts of Vedantu have compiled the answers to all the exercise questions of each chapter in the History textbook.

These solutions have been formulated to show how easily the concepts can be used to formulate the answers to important questions. Learning the concepts of all the chapters will become much easier when the students have these Maharashtra state board 10th std history textbook solutions

The solutions are framed by following the latest Class 10 Maharashtra Board History syllabus to include the answers to all exercise questions. Referring to these solutions while practising these problems will help students develop their answer-writing skills.


Advantages of Maharashtra state Board 10th Std History Textbook Solutions

  • The solutions to all the History chapters have been compiled in pdf format. You can access these solutions online or can download this file in PDF format for more convenience.

  • Refer to the solutions to find the accurate answers to textbook questions, and take a step ahead in your preparation for this subject. 

  • Follow the Class 10 History question answers provided by the experts and practice them to learn and enhance your problem-solving skills.

  • Use the solutions to get instant answers to all your queries and proceed to complete preparing this subject effectively for the exam.

Tips to Follow While Preparing For Class 10 Maharashtra Board History Exam

  • Before you start studying for your exam, ensure you are well-versed in all the concepts and terms related to your syllabus. Make notes of all the important points that may be helpful during revision.

  • Practice as many sample papers and previous year's question papers as possible. This will help you prepare well for the exam, identify your weak areas, and gradually improve them.

  • Along with studying your textbook questions thoroughly with the Maharashtra Board Class 10 History solutions provided here, take online mock tests to be more confident while appearing for the actual exam.

  • Memorize important dates and events, rulers of dynasties, important battles and treaties, etc.

  • Stay away from distractions like social media, TV, mobile phones, etc. Make sure to study for at least 6-8 hours daily to cover all the topics well in time for your exam.

Follow these tips before appearing for your Maharashtra Board Class 10 History exam, and give your best shot.


Get the free PDF version of the Class 10 Maharashtra Board History subject and complete your History syllabus. After studying each chapter to evaluate your subject preparation, refer to these solutions. This helps you determine whether you have strengthened your basic concepts for all the chapters covered in the textbook. Use these questions and answers to enhance your time management and problem-solving skills and focus on your preparation to score excellent grades in the Class 10 exam.

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FAQs on Maharashtra Class 10 History Solutions for All Chapters

1. How does Maharashtra state board 10th std history textbook solutions free pdf help me?

Maharashtra State Board 10th std history textbook solutions free pdf helps you resolve all your queries if you are stuck in some question while practising textbook questions.

2. Can I rely on Vedantu’s Maharashtra Board class 10 history question answer to score a good rank in the Class 10 History exam?

Yes, Class 10 Students who find it difficult to solve the History textbook questions on their own can refer to the Maharastra Board solutions for Class 10 history provided by Vedantu.

3. Does Vedantu provide Maharashtra Board Class 10 History solutions for free?

Yes, students can find the Maharashtra Board Class 10 History solutions free in the pdf format from Vedantu’s official website. The solutions provided here can be downloaded and accessed by the students anytime, anywhere, free of cost. 

4. From where can I get Maharashtra Board Class 10 History chapter-wise solutions?

You can get  Maharashtra Board Class 10 History textbook solutions for all the chapters by clicking on the  direct links available for each chapter on this page. Make use of them during revision to understand the concepts thoroughly.

5. How many chapters are covered in the Class 10 Maharashtra Board History syllabus?

There are a total of 9 chapters covered in the Class 10 Maharashtra Board History syllabus.